You can create/add a new recipe on all Apple, Google & web apps.
- From your CookBook homepage/dashboard tap on 'Add Recipe'
- Tap on 'New blank recipe'
- This will open the recipe editor when you can edit and add all of your recipes information
- Under the About tab -
- Name: Enter your recipes title.
- Description: Add a small description about your recipe including helpful tips and tricks.
- Recipe Notes: Add any other notes you'd like to include on your recipe such as serving suggestions, suggested swaps, your last cooking comments, etc.
- Tags: Tap add tags and select any that match this recipe or add a new one
- Photos: Add photos from your photo library, take a new one or if you don't have a recipe photo, select one of our pre-set images. The first photo is your display picture. Tap on the edit icon to set a different photo as the display one or delete it.
- Yield: Enter the number of servings the recipe is for & the servings type. i.e 1 jar. Leave the serves field blank if its just servings as this is the default.
- Favourite: If this recipe is a fave, toggle the fave button on.
- Star Rating: Once you've cooked the recipe, rate how good the recipe was!
- Prep Time: Add the time in hours and minutes for how long this recipe takes to prepare
- Cook Time: Add the time in hours and minutes for how long this recipe takes to cook
- Other Time: Add the time type such as chill, rest, marinade, then enter the time in hours and minutes.
- Cook Count: Enter how many times you've cooked this recipe or leave it set to 0 if it's new.
- Last Cooked: Enter the date you last cooked this recipe or leave it blank if it's new.
- Video Link: Add a YouTube or other video link
- Source: Add the book name, magazine, author or URL that your recipe came from
- Nutrition: We do not automatically populate nutrition however if you have this info you can add it in here, CB will display the information in a graphic inline with the USDA %
- Linked Recipes: Add any recipes that should be linked / combined with a recipe.
- Pairing Notes: Add any notes on things that pair with your recipe, wine, beer, cocktails, etc.
- Under the Ingredients section -
- Add an ingredient per line. Use a colon : to add a header and identify the start of a group. Use commas for notes. Use 0 for non measured ingredients.
- Don't forget to select the current format of the ingredients units - either US Standard, Metric or Imperial. This is very important if you want to use conversion.
- Under the Instructions tab -
- Text editor: Type or paste all steps here. Use two empty lines between each step. Use a colon : to add a header and identify the start of a group.
- Detailed editor: Used for adding steps one by one. You can also add additional step by step photos in here.
- Once finished tap 'Save'
TOP TIP: Did you know that you can use emojis in your recipes? 😍