Your ingredients and measures will only change if you have conversion or scaling applied.
CookBook scales your ingredient measure based on the unit of measurement you have chosen (US Standard, Metric or Imperial). The app enables you to automatically set your recipes to convert within your settings.
CookBook scales your ingredient measure based on the unit of measurement you have chosen (US Standard, Metric or Imperial). The app enables you to automatically set your recipes to convert within your settings.
Tap on the button for the side menu, then tap settings, under general you'll see your app setting selections, please select which measure you would prefer (US, metric or imperial), the liquid conversion you'd prefer (cups, fl oz, etc.) and then how you'd like to display quantities (fractions or decimals). When you go into any of your recipes the conversion will automatically apply.
You can also do this manually when in a recipe, tap on the measure icon below your ingredients, this will bring up a pop up for you to select what you want to convert your ingredients into.

Please note that it is important to understand which unit of measure you selected when saving the recipe. If the correct one is not selected, the conversion could be out by up to 20%.
Different countries/measures have different sizes for things such as cups, tablespoons etc. CookBook on request will convert different cups to other measurement systems. For example - 1.5 metric cups = 1.59 US standard cups OR 1.32 imperial cups.
In edit mode if you set your recipe to 'US' as below and then do not convert the ingredient unit to another one on the saved screen, it will then display everything as its shown in edit mode.

To see if you have a conversion on, view your recipe as normal and tap the ingredients tab, at the bottom you will see it says No conversion, convert: metric, etc.
- Tap the side menu icon
- Scroll down and tap settings
- Under 'Measure Conversion' change to 'None'
- Hit the back arrow and this will be saved for you
If you're still having an issue once you have been through the above please tap on 'submit a request' on this page and send through some screenshots of the recipe in edit mode and after you have saved it. We'll then take a look into this for you and see what's going on!