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How do I delete a planned meal?
Delete One
- Head into the 'Meal Planner' via either the home page or side menu
- Select either the monthly, weekly or daily view icon at the top.
- Tap on the day that contains the meal you'd like to move
- Tap on the recipe
- Tap 'Edit'
- Tap 'Remove'
- Tap 'Ok'
Delete Multiples
- Head into the 'Meal Planner' via either the home page or side menu
- Select either the monthly, weekly or daily view icon at the top.
- Tap on the day at the start of the selection you'd like to delete
- Tap the more icon
in the top right hand corner
- Tap 'Copy / Move / Delete'
- In the pop up, select 'Delete'
- Tap on the date button for 'Delete from'.
- If you are just deleting meals from one day, tap twice on that date to set the start & end date. Tap 'Set End'.
- If you are deleting multiple days tap the first date, then tap the end date. Tap 'Set End'.
- Tap 'Delete'
- A pop will display to confirm how many meals you are deleting. If you're happy with the details, tap 'Yes', if not hit 'cancel' and adjust your dates.
- Once you have tapped 'Yes' CookBook will delete your meals.