To Install:
- Please click on this link to take you to CookBook in the Chrome Web Store.
- Click 'Add to Chrome'
- In the top right hand corner of your Chrome browser, click on the puzzle extensions icon
- Click the pin next to CookBook to make it blue - this will pin the icon in your top bar
How to use:
- Click on the CB extension icon and sign in to your CookBook account (this will open the CookBook web app up into a new tab for you to sign in)
- Browse the web and find a recipe you'd like to import
- Click on the CB extension icon - this will initiate the recipe read
- If successful, CookBook will display the recipe title, image, servings and number of ingredients & instructions found.
- Click 'Edit recipe' to save & edit this recipe in your CookBook in a new tab on the CB web app OR click 'Save recipe' if you want to save it straight to your CB account without editing/checking anything.
PLEASE NOTE: If your Chrome clipper icon shows a red x on it even though you've signed in / logged in to CookBook, you may have cookies disabled. To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
- Within your Google Chrome Browser, click on the 3 dots menu in the top right, go into 'settings', on the left hand side select 'privacy and security', then 'cookies and other site data'.
- Check that CookBook cookies are not being blocked under any of the 'blocked' sections.
- Under 'Sites that can always use cookies' click add and then copy this into it [*.] this will then always allow cookies on any of our CookBook website pages.
- Sign out of CookBook and back in again. To do this in the web app, go to 'Settings' in the side menu then hit 'Sign Out'
- Your Chrome extension should now work but if you're still having issues, please get in touch.
What if CookBook didn't read my recipe?
There are 2 error messages you may see:
- "We could not read the recipe data from this page"
- "We were unable to read recipe information from this website. Websites must support structured recipe data such as hrecipe, microdata, Recipe schema or JSON-LD formatting to be compatible. Check our FAQs to find out more (0).
Why didn't my recipe import?
When you import a recipe CookBook reads the code behind the recipe and parses the data.
Unfortunately a lot of websites do not hold their recipes in a structured recipe format therefore even if you can see the information, we may not be able to behind the scenes.
Commonly the issues are either with recipes being incorrectly named/tagged or with the recipe data within the ingredients and method being listed in a non standard format.
CookBook supports all modern machine readable markups and formats including HRecipe, Microdata, Recipe schema and JSON-LD.
What can you do?
- If its a website you use a lot, you can get in touch with the owner of the website/recipe and ask them to use a modern industry standard recipe format on their recipes. This not only benefits you but will benefit them too by improving their SEO and help them get found.
- Good old copy and paste - copy the recipe data and paste it into your CookBook manually
- We are continually monitoring imports and are working to support more websites, so if you believe the recipe is held in an industry standard format and think the importer should have worked, please get in touch with us by tapping on 'Submit a request' on this page. Remember to include the recipe URL along with any screenshots/attachments that may be helpful.