To make your recipes easier to understand when looking at nutritional value, we try to display the information & daily values based on the USDA & FDA recommended daily allowances. Find out more here.
If you have the nutritional information for your recipe, you will need to enter the data in the following example format for the infographic to display correctly (note, we are unable to automatically calculate the nutrition of your recipe):
Servings 1
Calories 275kcal
Carbohydrates 1.1g
Protein 32.9g
Fat 16.2g
Saturated Fat 3.2g
Polyunsaturated Fat 13g
Cholesterol 140mg
Sodium 918mg
All other information that does not fit within the standard values will be added to the nutrition box at the bottom.
Please note nutrition daily values are based on USDA & FDA recommendations with a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily requirements may be different to this.
Unfortunately it is not possible for you to set your own daily values.