Shopping Lists
- How do the shopping lists work?
- How do I manage my shopping lists?
- How do I add recipe ingredients to my shopping list?
- How do I add additional items & ingredients to my shopping list?
- How do I edit an item in the shopping list & swap the aisle it's in?
- How do I use and manage my 'Regular items' shopping list?
Meal Planner
- Does CookBook have a meal planner?
- How do I add a recipe to the meal planner?
- How do I delete a planned meal?
- How do I copy, swap & move planned meals from one day / week to another?
- Can I add custom notes to the meal planner for planned meals such as leftovers, dining out or takeaways that don't require a recipe?
- How do I print a snapshot of the meals I have planned for the week?