How to:
- Within Safari, browse and find the recipe you'd like to import
- Tap on the share icon in the bottom browser bar
- Scroll along the available apps and tap on the CookBook App icon (if you can't see CookBook, follow the instructions in the section below on how to add it to your favourites before continuing)
- The CookBook import page will pop up and let you know if we were able to read the recipe
- Tap either 'Save to Account' or 'Edit in CookBook'
- Save to account will save the recipe without opening CookBook.
- Edit in CookBook will allow you to edit your recipe, add tags etc. before saving.
TIP: See your recently added recipes - Go into All recipes, tap on the filter icon in the top right corner. Under Sort by, select 'Created (newest)' tap the tick to save & close the filter tool.
How to add CookBook to your share sheet (& customise order):
- Go into Safari on your device and tap on the share icon
- Scroll horizontally to the right end and tap the icon ... More
- Tap Edit in the top right corner
- To add: Tap + next to CookBook in the suggestions list (this will add CookBook to your favourites list)
- To reorder: Tap, hold & drag on the reorder icon on the right hand side of an app to change its position in the list.
- Tap Done to save.
- Then, tap Done again.