CookBook enables you to share your recipes a number of ways:
- Export recipe to PDF
- Send as email
- Send to another CookBook user (in our own .CB format) - See full instructions here
NOTE: Send as email is unavailable via the web app. You will need to create a PDF and attach it to an email manually.
To share recipes as a PDF:
- Navigate to the recipe you want to share
- Tap the 'Share' icon (this is in the 'About' section under the recipe title on the app and in the top right button bar on the web app)
- Select 'Create PDF'
- Select your layout and design options then tap 'continue'
- Apple - Will show a print preview of your recipe, tap the 'share' icon in the top right corner and select your sharing method, text, email, WhatsApp, save to your files, etc.
Android - Will show which methods you can select next to share or save your PDF
Web App - Will download your PDF file for you to share it how you'd like
To share recipes in an email:
- Navigate to the recipe you want to share
- Tap the 'Share' icon (this is in the 'About' section under the recipe title on the app and in the top right button bar on the web app)
- Select 'Send as email'
- Your mail app will then open with the recipe displayed in the body of the email
- Add your email details and send!
NOTE: Please ensure you have intellectual property rights before sharing a recipe. Never claim a recipe as your own if it is not.