You can cancel your CookBook subscription at any time to avoid future payments, but we will be sad to see you go! If you'd like to give us feedback please reach out to us at
When cancelling your CookBook subscription, the following applies:
- You will need to cancel at least 24 hours prior to your next payment date for cancellations to successfully process in time
- If you do not cancel at least 24 hours prior to your subscription period end, your subscription will automatically renew and you will be charged through your relevant App Store account
- Cancelling your subscription will not provide refunds, nor pro-rata remaining subscriptions
- After cancelling your subscription, you will be able to continue using CookBook for the remainder of your billing cycle.
- To reactivate your subscription after it expires, you will need to select a new subscription within the app.
WARNING: Deleting your account or the app does not cancel your subscription. You must cancel your subscription BEFORE deleting the app.
To cancel your subscription via Stripe:
- Within the CookBook app, from the main page, tap on the side menu icon
- Tap on your username at the top of the side menu, this will open the subscription page
- Under the section 'Update subscription' you'll see a button which says 'Stripe payments / plan', tap on the button to manage your plan
- This will open Stripe
- Select the button 'Cancel Plan'
- Review the details and press 'Cancel Plan'